Friday, November 23, 2012

30 days of thanks: Day 23

Unfortunately, Black Friday really lived up to its name in the house of Anderson. Let's just say that technology is awesome when it works. When it fails, it can bring you to tears, make you sick, cause you say mean stuff to your kids, and basically propel you into a daze of regret, guilt, and "what ifs" from morning until night.

The good news is that epic failures cause us to examine our hearts (not usually how I like spending my long weekend).

When I really take a look at mine, I find that it is lined with bookshelves of idols that I deny are there until a little person takes one down and smashes it to smithereens. Only then am I faced with the real "me" - not a pretty sight.
So, today I'm thankful that God gives me "black fridays" every once in awhile to remind me that my ugly heart is still in need of a Savior. I'm thankful that God (and my kids) are so eager to forgive me. And thankful that God allowed me to learn a big lesson a such a small price.

And on a lighter note...
thinking about getting this for Scott for Christmas... what do you think?

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I'm crying reading this but I say "Amen!"