Monday, April 11, 2011

No Biggie

Happy birthday to me! 
This is me at 8 months. 
I'm 30 now. 

Last night, Scott threw me a birthday party. Not a surprise - thank goodness. I made it clear months ago that I had no interest in being a "surprise-ee" on my birthday. 

My party was was perfect: close friends, good food, Costco cake, Dance Dance Revolution. Well, that last part was not my idea, but it was surprisingly fun anyway.

Me and my boys
Dance Dance Revolution

Scott vs. Suzy
Yes, we even made the preggers get up there.  Karen won the DDR tournament - 3 weeks from her due date! 
Her face is priceless here.  

How appropriate that my 30th birthday would fall on a Monday, and I would spend the majority of my day folding laundry and wiping bottoms? Not complaining - I love spending time at home with my boys, and what a perfect picture of my life at 30 years old. Honestly, turning 30 has been no big deal to me. I mean, I've been married 7 years, I have 2 kids. I might as well be 30, right? It's like I'm finally acting my age. I feel so blessed to be where I am doing just what I'm doing right now.

At lunch today, I made Keaton sing "Happy Birthday to Mama!"  before he could enjoy a piece of leftover cake. I can do that because I'm the mom. 
And I'm 30.


livinginthemidwest said...

Happy Birthday! It was fun celebrating with you. Karen's face is priceless. :o)

maren said...

Happy Birthday! Love the last pic! I'm still waiting to get both boys looking at the camera... :)