Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Funny boy

This morning, I'm in my bathroom getting ready for an appointment, tuning out the constant "Mama, mama, mama, mama, mama..." I hear in the background. For some reason, I start paying attention to what he's trying to tell me,

"Mama, I up here! I get up here, Mama!"

This alarms me just a little, so I decide to try to find what he is "getting up" on all by himself. I found Keaton in the guest bathroom sink, toothbrush in hand. Thankfully, he had not turned on the faucet (yet).

"Mama, I need Nemo toothpaste!"


Brumbra Cathy said...

Next he will be fixing breakfast!

Carolyn said...

So cute! Love how they're discovering things and get so proud of their "accomplishments." ;) Miss you! Love, Carolyn