Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My little bell pepper

This morning, I went for an ultrasound. We could have found out today, but have agreed to wait to find out the gender until delivery as we did with Keaton.

As many of you know, this pregnancy has been much more "complicated" than the last one. Besides the fact that we made a major life change and move over an ocean during my 1st trimester, I was diagnosed with a rare genetic blood clotting disorder that has bumped me into the "high-risk" pregnancy category. This has required me to be on a ton of expensive medication (including once a day self injections) as well as doctors monitoring mine and baby's health much more closely. Combined with the normal morning sickness (which for me tends to be 24/7 and last much longer than most women), it has been a rough 19 weeks so far. All that to say, I was so encouraged by my doctor visit this morning! It's amazing the calming effect of just seeing the baby and listening to that strong heartbeat. Also, I was able to meet with a specialist that really invested some time in helping me understand all of my "issues." This was the first time a doctor had done that for me since all of these increased risk factors have surfaced. Before today, I was ready to ward off any future kiddos, but I'm beginning to realize it might be worth it after all...

What a cutie - right?? Here's what we know about him/her so far:
-about the size of a bell pepper (5 1/2 inches long) and weighs 9 oz
-growing beautifully and measuring at exactly 18 weeks and 4 days
-looks to have all 10 fingers and toes and all the other essential body parts
-really loves anything spicy, but has a special preference for buffalo wing sauce


Mary Anderson said...

Wow, our 6th Grandchild is really on the way! I still hope it's a girl! Of course, a healthy baby is what I really want! Hope you are feeling good enough to have that morning coffee!

Melissa Batusic said...

I love you, Ash! I'm so glad that your appt. went well. :)

Janelle said...

Congratulations on baby # 2! Found your blog through exciting to be in Hawaii! Good luck through this transition of move and new baby. :)

Molly said...


Meagan Dennison said...

what a cute little pepper! I am so sad that I won't get to meet him/her as a tiny little peanut. I can't wait to see you in just over 2 weeks! WOOHOO!!!