Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Fridge

Happy Birthday to me! I guess you know you are officially a dorky grown-up when you use your birthday money to purchase an extra refrigerator/freezer for the garage! Some of you know that I have been adopting a new method of grocery shopping which involves alot of stockpiling of food when it is on sale. I had completely run out of space in my current refrigerator/freezer for all the great deals I was getting on meat, veggies, waffles, OJ, etc. I had been on the lookout for a new freezer for the garage, and was delighted to find this floor model Frigidaire at Best Buy Saturday on sale for over $300 off the sticker price. I can't wait to start filling it up. Yes, this is me posing with an appliance - thanks to all who contributed to the fridge fund!


Mary Anderson said...

You really are a total housewife & mother!
Thanks for being so wonderful to both my boys!
Love you,

Meagan said...

You're gonna love it! I don't know what I did without my garage fridge. But, yours is much nicer than mine. Gotta love useful appliances!

Jenny said...

You are hilarious. I am glad you found a good deal! I have saved my coupons for the past 2 weeks to send to you.

Anonymous said...

Happy (Belated by a day) Birthday!!! Hope you had a good one with lots of hugs and kisses :)

Jen K

Melissa Batusic said...

Like Meg said, you are really going to love it! I keep my stocked at all times. By the way, you really are a dorky grown-up...but I still can't wait to see you soon!