Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Big boy bed!

Not only did we tackle potty training, but we decided to move Keaton into his big bed last week, so he could get used to it before the baby came and took over his crib. He loves his big boy bed, and I'm really enjoying not lifting him in and out of that crib everyday. He's been sleeping in for a solid week now, and he has not once tried to get out during naptime or in the morning. What a milestone week for Keaton!

Not sure if you can tell from the picture, but Keaton has skinned up knees, mosquito bites up and down his legs, and sunburned cheeks - a true Hawaiian boy now!


Meagan Dennison said...

SO CUTE! I love how that comforter looks in his room. It's perfect. Man, you're really getting your money's worth out of that thing. It's really made the rounds...

Mary Anderson said...

Growing up way to fast to suit his Brumbra!