Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Rainy Day Fun

Yesterday was perfect. Keaton had a day off from school, and it rained ALL DAY LONG. We had nowhere to be, and no reason to leave the house. I know that some moms dread being cooped up in the house with kids, but in this land of eternal sunshine, a good old fashioned  rainy day is like chicken soup for my homebody heart.
My boys are into "moussing" their hair these days... thanks, Brumbra.
What a dude!

Seriously, could he be any more handsome? I know, kinda biased...
Shirt pockets are so handy! Anyone know where I can find a size 3T pocket protector?
We decided to do a little Valentines decorating. I got the idea to turn all our beautiful Christmas cards into a Valentines garland of all the people we love!
I loved how it turned out!
Next up - some fun Valentines sun catchers, because the sun is bound to come back out eventually! It is Hawaii.

Mark was so excited to get to cut.

The final product...
Such a fun day!


Melissa Batusic said...

Boys, you have such a creative mother!
And Ash, I hear you...I LOVE the days I get to be home all day.

Unknown said...

Love both those ideas! And smiling to see our family on your "people we love" garland. :-)