Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Friends with Kids

 One of the most fun things about visiting home for the summer is getting to connect with old friends.

 Or not OLD friends, but friends that used to be my friends when we were young. 

Well -  we still are young and we still are friends, but these friends (that I'm referring to here) were my friends back in the old days. 


We are old. We were friends when we were young and we are still friends now that we are old. 

But our KIDS are young - like we were back in the old days. I'll stop now. 

Basically, the cool thing is that the parents are old friends, and now our kids are new friends!

Here is Keaton with my good friend Allie's little girl, Rilee. She's OLDER and very cute, and BOSSY! I guess Keaton likes this in girls because he  followed Rilee around like a puppy all day... and evening when we went to Kiddie park together. 

Here's all of us at Kiddie Park with Allie's kids, also Allie's brother, Josh's kids. Josh is 31 and graduated a  year behind us. He is at least a foot taller than me and has 2 more kids than I do. Yet, why does he seem still so much younger than us? This is the difference between old friends and new friends. You will always remember them as they were when back in the day. Am I right? 

We were also so blessed to get to spend a few days in Ft. Worth with Meagan and her family. Also, Meagan's sister, Natasha - another old friend - was there with her two girls, so all our kiddos had a blast together!
Keaton and Emery
Ring pops!
the whole gang!
Hudson (5), Mark (2 1/2), Keaton (5), William (7), Emery (5), Crew (1 1/2), Kiera (7)
Keaton and Hudson (they are 5 months apart)

sweet Crew stole my sunglasses
Unfortunately, our trip to Fort Worth ended a little bit rough. Something kinda like this...

 Yikes - let's just say... if you have to get the stomach bug and feel like you are going to die for 12 straight hours, better to do it with your best friend with your moms around to take care of your boys!

By the way, sorry for the long absence. I plan to be back in the blog bandwagon now that we are back on the rock. I have a lot of pictures to catch up on!

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