Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Snow Dayz

To me, one of the most amazing things about having kids is getting to relive your own childhood in some way. When I was a kid, there was nothing like waking up on a school morning and finding a blanket of snow outside your window and then finding out school is cancelled! 

We made the most of our day...stayed in our PJs for most of the morning, ate multiple breakfasts, extra screen time, the whole nine yards. Daddy even tele-worked for part of the day, so he took the boys outside to play in the white stuff. 

So thankful that Scott stayed home and enjoyed the snow with the boys. Growing up in Miami, Scott obviously never had snow days. This is all new for Daddy too!

Look at my giant snowball, Mom!

making snow angels

Watch out Keaton!

"Here's how you make a proper snowball, boys. Just like Buddy the Elf, you have to pack it tight!"

"Thanks for the lesson, Dad! Now take that!"

Wait! I'm unarmed!

Of course, the snow was mostly gone by the next morning, but it was sure fun while it lasted!

 I can't help but think about how much our lives have changed since this time last year. Such a different landscape to photograph now. Hawaii couldn't feel farther away.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Pinewood Derby

This morning, we participated in our first Pinewood Derby race with Cub Scouts.

Keaton and Scott had been working very hard all week on this car.
Professionally engineered by my perfectionist husband. Painstakingly designed and decorated by my Star Wars obsessed son.
What a beauty!
Keaton with his car right before they left for the race.
Scott was a little bit worried that they would be disqualified for some of the intricate measures he went to in order to make this car go fast. Think: bent axels, strategically placed weights, wheels barely touching the track. Thankfully, the car weighed in at exactly 5.0oz (the heaviest it could be to meet qualifications). 
Mark was excited to see Keaton's car race!
Keaton and Edward waiting for the race to begin.
And we're off! (Keaton's car is in lane 1)
Keaton ended up in 2nd place for his Tiger Cub Den. He was happy with his ribbon. He would have been happier if it had been blue.... we're still working on sportsmanship as a part of winning!
The Tiger Cub Winners: Ryan, Keaton, Cameron. Ryan (on the left) went on to place 3rd in the whole pack!
Keaton with some of his Tiger Cub buddies!
It was definitely a fun morning, and a learning experience for all of us! I think we will definitely have an advantage next year with one Derby behind us. So thankful for Cub Scouts, and the time it is allowing for father/son bonding.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Loose teeth, college, and fairies

At the NYE bash, Keaton bit into a piece of bread and pulled one of his bottom teeth loose. He came running to me with a VERY concerned look on his face. To most kids, this would be an exciting new development! Not for my little worrier...he almost let this ruin his whole evening. From that night through the next three weeks, he would not let anyone near his mouth. He did not know what it would be like to lose a tooth, but he did know there was a level of pain and blood involved. He was determined to put it off as long as possible. He ate only food that he could chew with his back teeth first. He even stopped biting his nails!
Right after he discovered his loose tooth
On Wednesday night, I noticed that his tooth was so loose that it was actually falling forward when he spoke. I begged him to let me pull it. I was actually worried he might choke on it in his sleep. Finally, the next morning, it fell out on its own while he was eating Rice Crispies. Thankfully, it did not actually fall into the bowl, because it very much resembled a Rice Crispie! 

He was over the moon all morning that his plan worked and he was able to somehow avoid all pain and suffering. At one point while he was getting ready, I started to get all mopey and told him I was sad that he was getting so big. I told him that it felt like just yesterday he was as small as Sailor. I said, 
"You're already 6 1/2! In another 6 1/2 years, you'll be a teenager, and in another 6 1/2 years, you'll be in college!"
 He thought for minute and then frowned at me, 
"Mom! I was in the best mood from loosing my tooth, and now you made me all SAD! Plus, I'm never going to college!" 
Then he gave me a big hug. Not sure if that's the right answer, but right then it cheered me up.

The next matter of business was the Tooth Fairy.
"Mom, you know I don't believe in fairies! Fairies are fictional! If I say I don't believe in the Tooth Fairy, will I still get a dollar?"
I told him he better do a good job of pretending if he wants a dollar. 
"Ok, I will, Mom. I'll pretend.
(whispering) Just like with Santa. right, Mom?" (wink, wink)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

More Family Time and NYE 2014!

I gotta say I was more than a little concerned that the week after Christmas could have been a disaster. 7+hour car trip with a newborn? Lots of kids in confined spaces during flu season? Amazingly, no one got sick, and Sailor was such a champ the whole trip! God was so good, and gave us a terrific week with family.  I'm so very thankful that we are driving distance to family again. Keaton and Mark even slept over at the Workmans with their cousins almost every night we were in town.
Caroline reunited with Baby Sailor!
MEL and Matthews first time to meet and hold Sailor. Both of them were actually at the hospital on the day after she was born, but they would not let them in to my room because they were not siblings. :-(
Matthew loved holding Sailor!
Grammy enjoying Sailor!
Papa enjoying Sailor (seeing a trend?)
Sailor and Uncle Rob
Grammy and Papa took us over to look at the property where they are building their new house. The boys rode their scooters to this beautiful pond full of duck and geese. It was COLD!!

Caroline and Laura being silly in their new monkey hats!
Photo session with Grammy
We returned another year to the T&T lightshow in Mauldin. Sailor is zipped up in my fleece!
Mark and MEL in the light tunnel.
We ended our week with another rockin NYE party!
All 8 cousins!
Sailor and Nanny (95 on the 19th!!)
The evening was complete with lots of yummy food!
Some serious game playing...

And a dance party of course!

love this one.

Mary and I created this fun photo backdrop for pictures.

Wow! 2014 was such an exciting but challenging year with SO MANY changes for us.
So very excited to turn the page into a new year! Happy 2015!